''**COORDINATES: -900 500**'' Kinsale was a spawnbase founded by [[players:Niseau|]] on the 24nd of February 2024, he was the sole builder of the base with occasional new players stopping by. The base consists of a walled settlements with towers at both ends and a gatehouse, it was centred towards the river at spawn, with the Lavacast walls wrapping the base, as it was at [[locations:spawn|Spawn]] in one of the lavacast grids. Notable builds include the dock, ship, barn, 2 houses, village centre, and an unfinished castle. {{:bases:2024-02-29_20.32.59.png|}} On the 3rd of March 2024, Niseau logged in the server to find himself in a large cobblecast. It was griefed by a new player, Niseau caught him the next day trying to cast it more and killed him. {{:bases:2024-03-02_21.58.02.png?600|}} //__Don't build at spawn__//