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A player named LeakyBalls has started using a redstone machine to create a many large lavacasts close to spawn, targeted at bases and highways. Every day the amount of lavacasts is increasing. This is quickly making travel more difficult, making spawn look significantly worse, making leaving spawn more difficult to be in for newer players and causing nearly impossible to remove devastation on structures built by players. The way the server is makes it one of the most fun, unique and interesting servers I have ever joined, and I don't want that to change. Unfortunately, all the lavacasts being rapidly created every day is making the server closer to other anarchy servers, where spawn is no longer a place of safety and trade, but somewhere desolate where building anything there is not worth trying and leaving is necessary for survival. I fear that he will soon find and begin to create lavacasts in areas such as The Pit and negatively impact the server. I request that you stop all trade with this player, and either by talking to him or through violence if most likely necessary prevent him from creating the lavacasts. He seems to join the server at close to 11:00 AM GMT and I was told he has no armor. He will most likely be within 1,000 blocks from spawn.

- VeryNormalHuman

announcements/lavacasts_at_spawn_created_by_the_player_leakyballs.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/24 17:23 by verynormalhuman