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The Ice Project Extension was initiated by Niseau after talking about it in the V discord on the 3rd February 2024, and he had a few helpers, namely from Carbyne Crew and GrokkingGamer, along with a few newfags along the way.

On the 6th February, it was offically launched and the “IceMen” had a goal, 200k OW/25k NETH to be done, so they split tasks, with Niseau placing ice most of the time and Carbyne Crew's members doing all the digging. Niseau helped with the dig as well mainly in the North/-Z axis. After serveral hours over some days, it was fully dug and iced to 25k NETH, with the slabbing being done on all 3 axises (sorry east) by 13th February.

The Ice Roads/Highways lead from 0 0 NETH all the way to 25k NETH/200k OW, for easier travel to far distances. It was declared a huge success by the IceMen, the ice roads are still being used to this day with no major griefing.

Niseau built the Triumphal Arch of -Z 200k same day, to greet players at 200k north.

List of contributors

- Niseau

- Positron_48

- Electroon

- Kasperl13

- ChelseaSmilez

- GrokkingGamer

- Ashiokk

events/ice_project_extension.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/04 19:40 by wikiwriter