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Clan started by CO0KlE_M0NSTER and Mr_Boost in Novemember 2023, with the base Nexus starting as well. The base grew, but the clan slagged around for a few months til Cookie invited Niseau to come and build on 17/03/'24

NEXUS was a base where Cookie would store his “basehunting” “finds” in a huge storage system with tons of double chests full of mass resources and maparts, Mr_Boost would bring random animals and mess with members, Niseau was the builder and mapart guy. Niseau built the Hall of Nexus for maparts (unfinished)

On 17/04/'24 Cookie was BANNED for alledgly leaking a troll seed over 2 years ago that turned out to be the real seed. Cookie was set in his theory that, after finding Haven (a major base where one of the admins used to base) the members got angry and pressured admins to ban Cookie for any reason, but this is uncomfirmed. Cookie was pissed off, and decided that he did not give a shit about the server, so despite his friendship with Niseau and Mr_Boost decided to leak his map data including NEXUS. After 23rd April Cookie leaked his map data, dooming NEXUS. Niseau knew he had no time left, so he moved all the stash to a private base (about 5-6 double chests full of shulkers of materials) with DerSchneiper, but there were already a few visitors in the hours after the leak, notably Ruppey, about 5 people visited 24hrs after the leak. A day later, Niseau self-griefed the base much to his sadness. But he knew he couldn't let some random fag claim credit and clout over griefing NEXUS. Niseau decided to take the flip to Cookie and go to his solo base, and grief it. Niseau tried to get the Replay Mod footage but it proved too difficult to edit and render, so no video for now.

Pictures of NEXUS below including the Hall of NEXUS: (Nexus Hall was much, bigger than the screenshots, these were taken in creative test world)



Niseau's Revenge:

groups/nexus-syndicate.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/02 11:18 by wikiwriter