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COORDS: Over 0, -500

An obsidian sky logo at spawn that says Niseau's name was built by Niseau started on the 16th of February 2024, took 6 days to complete (he took his time).

At 0,500 was the ruins of buckhardpec's spawnbaseV3 that Niseau helped to build, so he thought right to build it over it in the sky, and he wanted to leave his legacy literally on the server. It took over 40,000-50,000 blocks of obsidian (keep in mind the logo isn't gigantic) in which Niseau used the End Obsidian wither farm to obtain the blocks.

The logo casts a large shadow underneath in which mobs may spawn and from below the logo is quite noticeable, you can see the name of Niseau on maps, worldmap mods etc. Overall Niseau thinks this is very cool :)

locations/sky_logo.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/01 21:54 by benny