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GiovanniRivera is a player on He has played on various servers, 2b2t, KL, & more. He bases with gabriellabike. He enjoys obscenities, building farms, breaking said farms, galivanting around spawn, and jaunting around the Nether at breakneck speed.

GiovanniRivera has one of the longest times since last death on V for Vanilla. At time of writing, (March 1, 2024) his streak is 21.14 days since his last death.

There has been speculation that ‘RiovanniGivera’, pictured below, is an alternate account of GiovanniRivera, but this remains unconfirmed.

ign: GiovanniRivera
status: active
first joined: 11/10/21
bases: snes, the_pit, Gonarch’s Pass, Meadows, Cygnus
players/giovannirivera.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/01 06:41 by giovannirivera